Tuesday, June 4, 2013


Alright so here's the non-awkward blog I agreed to last time.

I am ready for a vacation. Not just a short trip to Vegas or camping close by, but a get on plane and go somewhere new type of trip. This doesn't mean I can afford it but it has been forever since I have done this. As in 5 years. So I have been looking and I think I am going to Tyra nd go to Chicago in July or maybe Denver. Both instances would be around the premise of going to a Cubs game. I would prefer to go to Wrigley field in Chicago but if due to money and timing I would be okay with going to Coord field in Denver. So! I will start trying to figure out how to go do that. Unfortunately that means taking time off work which I hate doing for many reasons but I guess it's tme to suck it up and go.
Also I think I want to take a road trip. I was thinking of going to Arizona, and visit Steve. Maybe go camping at Havasupai falls. But that is yet to be seen.
All I know is that I am ready to go on a trip. And soon.

Monday, June 3, 2013

Some thanks

I just wanted to write real quick and say a few thanks before I go to bed,
-Thank you to my Mom and Brent, I know I haven't been the wisest child or easiest to deal with but you both have been ever helpful and supportive no matter what. I know you guys care and I love you both for how much you have done and continue to do for me.
-Cory and Melissa thank you guys for being there, where?, just there. Whether that's at your house, in Vegas, a restaurant, Mary Jo's house, or jut out and about you both have been so willing to let me tag along and just try and relax or get away for a bit. Whether that's been just chatting with Melissa in the living room or going to Scheel's with Cory; it's always nice to be able to just hang out.
-Brylee and Ellie, for just being them (not the moody/grumpy/yelling/screaming side) but the cute, loving, fun, and playful side that they usually are. Just makes me feel loved.
-Alexa as a little sister you are squeaky and hyper energetic. But I love it, she fun to just talk to and play with. I enjoy so much being an older brother to you.
-Tyler and Ashley, despite the fact I don't see you guys much I am glad of the times we have hung out. I know we have our differences but who doesn't. You are both fantastic and a great example to someone like me who may not make the best choices, that things can always go better. Thank you.
-Derek, we go fishing, and to wing nuts, and to movies, and church (sometimes), and to the ranch, and BBQ's, and disc golfing, and other stuff. You have become a great friend and a ton of help at the dark times. Thank you.
-Chris and Kailey (Quinn included) you guys are amazing friends and another wonderful example of the simple joys in life. I love spending time with you guys and getting to see you three grow as a family. It makes me happy. Thanks for letting me being you dinner (or buy it for you). 
-Rob and Jocelyn you have both made life better for me in our neighborhood. I like being able to walk across the street and say hi, or see Logan out in the grass with the dogs, I am thankful you have both helped keep me sane over the years and help me get back closer to family. You three really are awesome.

Now I know there is a ton more people to thank, like Jared and Randilyn, Lucy, extended family, and especially Vaughn and Amy. I really hope you guys know I love you all and am grateful for everything you have all done for me. But I am falling asleep and I was told recently I needed to post so here it is, a quick write up of the things that have been on my mind.
Any who..... Time for bed, I'll make a less awkward post sometime soon.