Tuesday, November 29, 2011

The Story II

  The sun rose over the frost covered forest as the young man stumbled into a clearing. The thick undergrowth had been tripping him up and making the past four months of hiking miserable. It didn't help either that he had been left alone for the past eight miles. The hero climbed to his feet and slowly made his way over to a small rock in the clearing. As he sat there considering the past four months and what had happened he couldn't help but feel depressed and wanted to just sleep. He knew that when he went to sleep that just meant he had to get up in the morning and start the hike again. As he sat and contemplated the past little while he thought of the hope he had and the ambition that came with it. The idea of starting a better life and moving on from a forest that seems to have no end.
  As the sun continued to come up the young traveler could see movement just within the edge of the trees. For days he had been alone with no one to speak with, the thought of another person frightened and excited him at the same time. As he tried to focus his eyes on the spot where he noticed the movement a pinprick of light flashed to his right, darting through the trees a tiny illuminated speck sped past. He could hear a ringing of a small brass bell in the distance but some how close by at the same time. The miniscule light circled him time and time again, passing in front of his eyes fast enough to make him dizzy. The ringing continued to get louder but never to the point that hurt his hears, it remained a constant pleasant sound. Finally with out warning the light popped, sounding like a fire cracker the speck of light vanished in a small shower of sparks.
  Confused and unsure what had just happened the weary man sat back down with his back against the rock and his face in the sun. The warmth felt good after a night in the cold. He began to feel like his old self again, confident, happy and hopeful. The sun seemed to recharge his spirits for his journey. Even as his mind wandered to tender subjects: lost companions, distant family, even the distant little girl he only ever heard stories of, he felt...peaceful. Then it came, the feeling, someone was watching him. He opened his eyes and with out moving his head tried to scan his surroundings. Nothing, no one was with in miles; as he lowered his head he saw her, him, it.....the little person standing on his bent knees. Scared he may scare it away, the hero dared not move. He sat in wonder of what was standing on his leg. The it spoke, or so he imagined. All he could hear was the ringing of a bell, the same ringing from before, but now as it rang his mind was forming words. "Why are you here? Where are you going? Who are you? What are you looking for?" the tiny little mouth formed words and the ringing of the bell carried their message. He answered, in a quaking voice, scared he may be losing his mind. "I am resting, and I am trying to find a way to the better land. I am just a young traveler,....." the last question eluded him, not sure how to answer. Slowly the words came "...I am looking for happiness....I guess."
  They were questions he had never thought of before, now that he had the boy was unsure of his journey. Unsure of the direction and the purpose. The small person continued "I can show you what you are missing, the one you wish to see. Your reason you keep going." as the words faded the creature popped and sparks flew and it was gone. The light came again, this time close to his head, another pop and sparks and the thing hovered, glowing bright gold in front of his face. "If I gave you the ability to see would you use it? It has the possibility to make you understand. Would you regret using it?" The magical being continued to float, seemingly with out effort looking in to his face, asking. "I'll take it." the words slid out of his mouth, unsure if that's what he really wanted. "Then it's yours." the shining person bowed deeply, popped and sparked and was gone.
  Our hero, jolted. He had been sleeping. His eyes still blurry with sleep could see only vague shapes in the small clearing, the rock poking into his back and the wetness on his legs made him realize he had been there for a while. As he came more aware of his surroundings he thought back on his dream, that creature, the questions it asked. But wasn't he awake when he first saw the light? When did he fall asleep? None of that mattered now. The young man reached for his bag to grab a small bite before setting back off down the densely covered path. In his bag his hand felt something unfamiliar. Something cold and hard. Carefully he pulled out the foreign object. Turning it over in his hands, a large flat rock had some how found it's way into his bag. He stared at it's smooth surface, no tool marks could be seen, as though it had always been this shape. There was nothing seemingly special about this stone tablet. Carefully he set it down as to not break it. Reaching back into his bag he found the small pouch containing his small morsels of food. As he took a bite of the old hard bread he studied the stone trying to find any clues as to where it came from. There was nothing, not one sign.
  After spending a few moments stressing over the rock he decided it was not worth the headache and decided to go back to relaxing and enjoying the sun shine. As he sat there his mind wandered in and out of subjects; from the warmth of the sun and the comfort of the soft grass, to the dread of having to go back into the forest down the path. The thought of the path naturally led to the great friends he had gathered as he moved down the path. As he thought of one in particular, one that referred to himself solely as The Admiral, the stone popped, the same pop he heard in his dream. His attention snapped to the tablet and there out of the stone shone a picture of The Admiral, the likeness was perfect. As he looked at it words appeared below the picture, writings that seemed to come directly from The Admiral him self. Writings that seemed to be his thoughts. The hero sat amazed at this projection from the stone. In one of the writings The Admiral makes mention of an acquaintance they had met as they walked the path. As the man thought of this acquaintance the stone popped again and just like The Admiral the acquaintance appeared, writings and all.
  The young adventurer realized quickly this stone could possibly show him anyone he thought of, and their most recent thoughts. He had to test it, he thought of his mother...pop...the stone reflected the warm happy face he had so long had seen on a daily basis. Her smile brought one to his own face. Quickly he thought of best friend from long ago at the academy...pop...the colorful young man he had known for years appeared. Looking older but still with the same familiar mischievous grin. This too made the young traveler happy. The man thought for a second, it seemed to work with anyone, what if......? No, that was the past. He didn't dare bring up something that may cause problems for him self.
  He had to....... The temptation was too great......
He turned his thoughts to the travel companion of old, the one that he had left and in turn left him.....pop.......it worked. There she was. A wave of fear, happiness and sadness rushed through him.

"I told you I could show you."

Monday, November 14, 2011

School? What?!

Lately I have been feeling like I shouldn't be in school, maybe not shouldn't be but more of I should change the school I am in and the field I am going in to. I have been really doubting if that's the profession I want. I still think teaching would be great but I am not sure. I don't know what else I would want to do though. I most definately don't want to be sitting on this stool at American Car Care for the next 40 years....that would suck!
I don't know where this feeling came from; though I do feel it does have something to do with the fact that I am just generally not happy in life. I don't find joy ni the same things anymore. I don't know what happened. Yes I have been taking my medication like I should but there is just a feeling that nothing is right.
THere really isn't anything of any importance going on right now though. At least nothing worth noting, because i'm pretty sure you don't want to hear about the 5-7 page paper I have to write about the differences between two novels about the Native American's struggle for respect in the American culture. Wow I am even bored by writing that sentence.

"I am Jack's colon, I get cancer and kill Jack."

Sunday, November 6, 2011

I dont think I've ever done this post..

The past year and two months have been a bit interesting...to say the least. And for those of you who don't really know what I am talking about, it's about Olivia. I don't think I have ever posted anything really about her let alone pictures. I told my self that after her first birthday I would make ONE post about her with pictures from the year and that would be the only and last post I do about her just because as much as I have issues about it, I don't want to really think about it or have people asking me about it. Just because it's my past and it's not what's important in my life. So here is a few pictures from the past year of Olivia as she has grown.

 That's all I really feel like putting on and I hope you enjoyed them. I have a lot more but those are for me and not for you. She is getting huge and is loving life. Their little family is so happy and it makes me happy to know that.

Wednesday, October 26, 2011


It's been a while since I last posted, I don't really have a lot or anything at all to say really...other than I am tired. For the past few weeks it doesn't matter what I do I am always just worn out. I wish I could take one full day off from everything and just sleep and try and catch up...if only.....

"Up in my lonely room, when I'm dreaming of you, oh what can I do? I still need you but I don't want you now."  ~The Coral~

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Now what...

Your whole life you tell your self things; things you want to do, want to eat, want to say, want to be, where to go, how to act, etc.... and no matter what you feel as though you're in control of those things. Sometimes one of those things are said out loud to other people, at times in seriousness and others as a joke.
For the past 5 years I have told everyone and anyone who would ask I plan on never getting married and living alone....completely as an act of humor to cover the fact that I am slightly pathetic and really want the complete opposite of that. Now, just days after my 26th birthday the sad reality is, that is my future. For the past two years I have tried to change it with the result being two catastrophic failures. Now as I look forward I see no future like I desire.
Unfortunately the once entertaining joke has and seemingly will become my inevitable future.
Hooray for crushed dreams and a depressing look to the years that are to come!!

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Wants and wishes

First of all, FINALLY!!! Football is back! I love it, it's so nice.
Back to the post, have you ever wanted something so bad and you feel like you are so close to getting but you know that nothing will come of it.
There are some things, two mainly, that I would really love to have right now.
I know that being patient will help and that I will eventually get there but I feel like I have been patient for a long time and am ready to stop waiting.
I finally got my Associate Degree in the mail and it's really nice to have at least one degree.
Now back to waiting and trying.....maybe.....just maybe it will work.

Friday, September 2, 2011

Golfing...and thinking

I am sitting here on the 8/17th hole here at Skyline Mountain and just reflecting on things. Yes this would be a somewhat thoughtful post, sorry to be boring like that. School has started which means more stress than usual. I am excited to be starting my next level of schooling but also scared because of how hard it will be. Yet once its over, hopefully sooner than later, I will be glad its done. Work has gotten boring and overly stressful. I feel like I have 6000 things to do and have no help cause the owner is hurt and the manager seems to be milking out his back surgery as long as possible and only works for 4 hours a day. I took an extra day this weekend in hopes that it will get me back to where I used to be with my job, happy to be there.
I still love the house I moved into, well minus all the bugs but I am trying to fix that. I haven't really met my roommates but that's nothing new. I do that every year.
About golf...... I have learned to like golf more than ever, it has become my little vacation every week. Even getting up at quarter to six on Saturdays to make my tee time doesn't bother me. I love it. I have even begun to dress for it. Nice pants, collared shirts, clean shoes. Its become alot of fun. Especially since I am slowly getting better.
The social aspect if my life right now......Hahaha! Please I am almost ready to resort to eharmony or nothing at all ;-) but we'll see, maybe I won't. I just wish I was better at dating, I am not good at it and it makes my shy away from it. Oh well.
I am excited today because I finally got my diploma from Snow College. I am lyrical graduate. Its awesome!!
I hope you have enjoyed my thoughts for the day....till next time...
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Sunday, August 28, 2011

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

My summer summary

this is my new camping spot
Alva peeing on shawn white's ashes
our giant 4th of july celebration
New Canyon Res. my new camping spot
No one likes you shawn white, that's why we drew on you then burnt you
enjoying our end of year fire
shawn waiting to be burnt
Alva turned 76 over the summer
the view through our front door
hanging out watching our...3 fireworks
how we ate almost daily
welcome to our place, trashy

Saturday, July 30, 2011

In the movies

Sitting in a movie theater alone alone for a half an hour gives you a little time to think. I look back on the past year and there are some definite highs and very low lows. And now that it looks as though my stay here in ephraim is coming to a close I can't help but feel a little nervousness.
Though I am excited for what ever may come next it is hard to leave a job that I do love so much. The lack of a full time job and a sure place to live gives me a little stress and when I say a little I mean a lot. But with how things have played out in the past week I do have faith that this is the right thing to do.
I am excited to come home and be closer to friends and family. Wish me luck in the up coming weeks and i'll see you saturday!
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Wednesday, July 20, 2011


Every day we are faced with tasks we HAVE to do no matter what, whether we like it or not.Such as getting out of bed, eating at least once, personal care, going to the bathroom,going to work, interacting with people, and countless other things. Though some of these things are a chore and we would rather not do them, it is for the better. We eat to nourishour selves, we go to work so that we can pay the bills, we get out of bed so we don't feel like a worthless pile of trash for laying in bed all day.Yet there always seem to come a day where no matter how hard you try, you just are not motivatedto do any of these things. Today is such a day.I didn't want to get out of bed, I didn't want to make breakfast, I surely didn't want to go to work, and I most definately don't want to do anything now that I am here at work.I think it all comes back to the fact that I don't feel like I should be here in Ephraimany more. I have been contemplating moving back to Utah County and I feel like that is theright thing to do at the moment. The only problem is that I have no job once I do move, letalone a place to live.I hope that sometime relatively soon I can find both a place to live and soemwhere to work.I am ready to move and the sooner the better.

Funny find

I was plaing on our work computer for the past few minutes and ran across some thing funny, my old blogs, your really need to check them out and laugh along with me!

Monday, July 11, 2011

Have you ever....

Have you ever come to a point where you're asleep in bed than for no reason you are awake and can't get back to sleep but you feel out of place? Like you don't belong where you're at. You can't explain why and you have no way to change anything despite the fact that you've already tried?
It's nights like these that make me really wonder what I'm doing here and why things have gone the way they have. I know every body has their own trials and their own paths in life but some just seem a little more .... unfair than others.
Tomorrow will be a new day and I may feel differently, but for know this is how I feel.

"It was at this time I realized that girl scout was a 3 story crustacean!"
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Wednesday, June 29, 2011


After weeks of waiting my computer is finally working again. I was being a little weird and would act all crazy and shut down or connect to the internet but tell me there was no connection and crap like that, but with some help from my bosses nephew and $25 later...presto! I have my computer up and running again. Hopefully it wont have issues anymore and it will live for a couple more years so that I can save up for a new one.
I know Cory, I need to buy a MacBook, I've known that for a long time but I am poor and have no money for even food. Any who... I am finally back online (computer wise, I've been using my phone till now)

Saturday, June 18, 2011

Open Mouth ... Insert Foot

Have you ever had one of those conversations where you feel like it's going well but almost everything you say makes you feel dumb ........ yeah
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Friday, June 17, 2011


In one year the changes that take place in a person can be anywhere from amazing to awful.
As I look back at the past 365 days I am happy to see that though there have been some of the hardest days I have yet to encounter, I can honestly say I have become a better person. One year ago today was the start of one of the best chapters of my life. And though I caused that to end prematurely, the shred of light I see now makes up somewhat for my early year stupidity.
I am so grateful for the past year and everything you have done in that year. It's hard to belive it has been a year and still to this day I get excited and nervous every time I see you. I am sorry for being so dumb in the past year and I hope I can spend the next years making up for it. The thought of what could come next makes me genuinely happy, more happy than I've been in a long time.
Thank you so much for everything, EVERYTHING, in the past year........
Oh what a difference a year makes.

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

The Story

There once was a young boy that though he was young, he had led a stressful and tumultuous life so far. Yet he was a strong willed and determined young boy and sought to make his life the best it could be no matter what it took. After a great struggle and having to give up and leave the person he thought was going to be his help and guide down the path in life; but he realized by doing so he stood a chance of being happier down the path eventually. So after many days in a saddened depressed state the young boy began to have hopes and the courage to find another that he may want to be his help with his travels.

After a few unsuccessful attempts at trying to find a new person to share his adventures with our little hero was about to give up hope; but then after a random message sent to an old acquaintance, he found a girl that changed everything. She was more than he not only hoped for but also expected; smart, funny, adventurous and to top it off beautiful. He was so elated that they spent almost everyday together running and playing and enjoying their time together traveling down this path. Then one day came a decision the young boy had to make, would he stay on the path he was on or hop over to a new one that could possible provide a better future for him and his eventual family. After much debate he decided to switch paths. Though they were apart the boy and beautiful girl tried to continue traveling together but the distance proved too hard to handle for the young boy and after a lot of dumb choices he decided that it would be best to travel alone and try and forget the girl and how happy she made him.

For the next few months the young boy had many many trials and struggles traveling down his new path. He ran into many scary creatures barely escaping with his life and sanity, he fought with the issues of hunger, sleep deprivation and illness but his will was strong and he continued to forge ahead. Though he faced many hardships and many distractions he still could not shake the memory of his past with that girl. After a long while he came across another traveler down this same path. Quickly he and this new found friend were traveling side by side and making each others time there on the path a little more enjoyable. After a while our young boy and his new adventuring friend began to take more and more daring adventures until one day the boy felt like he would like her around more often. After a while the two were together almost every day heading down this long and winding path.

One night after a long day of walking and working their way down the path the young boy and girl fell asleep talking on the side of the path. That night he had a dream of him self, many years in the future. He saw him self coming home to a beautiful house on a sunny afternoon and as he walked through the door he was greeted by a couple of small children around the ages of 5 and 6. They came running up and calling him "Daddy" gave him ahugs around his legs and wanted to play. As they worked their way into the kitchen his wife stood with her back to him cooking at the stove. "Hello!" The dream self said with a smile. As his wife turned around to greet him he was hit with a surprise that was unexpected. It was the first girl, the one that he had worked so hard to move on from. She smiled back to him with that gorgeous smile. Her stunning green eyes staring back at him through locks of her beautiful brown hair that had fallen out of place. The boy was frozen in place, he couldn't move. This was a surprise to him, so much that it pulled him out of his sleep. Realizing there was someone asleep next to him he figured it was the girl from his past, but as his eyes adjusted he realized it was his new companion. For the rest of the night this poor young boy struggled with falling asleep. Finally after hours of restlessness the small wind up clock next to him rung it's tiny bells. Usually this sound was annoying and hard on his ears but this morning it brought relief. He could get up and start clearing his mind with the days laborious task of continuing down the path.

For the next month of travel the only thing our little adventurer had on his mind was his old friend. No matter the circumstances there was always something there to remind him of her. It got to the point that he was starting to get depressed at the thought of not having her around. But unfortunately this attitude and behavior started to reflect outwards and his new traveling partner was starting to take notice and worry that something was wrong. Though he wished he could tell her he continuously about how he was feeling he knew that would make his new friend feel unimportant.

After a while of traveling with his new friend the young boy couldn't help it anymore he had to do something, so one day he sent his friend from times past a little piece of mail explaining how he was feel about life and everything that had happened. Unbeknown to him the old friend had been wondering how he was doing. The mail had caught her off guard also. So after months of absence they decided to talk and see how each other was faring down their respective paths.

This brings us to the current spot in our young traveler's life. He has come to a fork in the path, up one path he may be able to work his way back to his old friend, the one he had continually been happy with but would have to rework how his career would pan out. Down the other he would continue with his new friend, not sure if he should be traveling with her or not but knowing how to work towards his career. This has become a critical part in our hero's life, not knowing what to do or how to do it, he stands at the fork. A piece of mail in one hand and new friend on the other.

Now all that's left is to make a decision.........

Monday, June 6, 2011

Summer time

And the living is easy. Countless bbq's, fires up the canyon, camping and all sorts of hoodwinks. Summer is most definately here. It was 91 degrees here in Ephraim yesterday when only a couple weeks ago it was snowing. Rediculous! The town has started to flood a bit and all around town there are pallets of sand bags to help as it gets higher but I am not worried for my apartment.
Back to the summer thing, as of now only 3 weeks into summer Alva and I have already done 4 bbq's and 2 fires in the canyon. A good start. We have about 35 lbs of charcoal in our closet so there is still lots of cooking to do and in no way am I depressed about that. Living with Alva has been a good time, hands down one of the top two roommates I have ever had.
I am tyring to locate a camera so that I can document and post pictures through out the summer so that there are pictures to assist in the story telling but so far no luck in finding one. The only thing that could make this summer better are not being sick at the moment and more paintball. I know I could play a lot but driving all the way up to provo every weekend gets expensive for someone as poor as me.
I do wish I was able to take a break and go on a vacation this summer but the vacation I get will come at the end and I get, or should I say HAVE to take a week off of work to go do training for next school year. . . .yay . . Worst summer vacation ever. But atleast it will be a break from work for the first time in a long time.
This has been a pleasant post hasn't it? I know right? I must be sick, I mean it seems like all I do is complain and have issues.
Don't worry I have another post to make that isn't about the summer and the good parts of it. So for now ... enjoy this one.


"Do you like fishsticks?"

Monday, May 30, 2011

Numero 60

I haven't been posting much at all lately like I thought I would get better at doing but I haven't. My reasoning is that I have been really bust and that I always forget. Yes I have really been busy but no I haven't been forgetting I just don't feel like taking the time to sit down and write lately, but I am now.
Things have been going smoothly and I have enjoyed my long weekend though I do wish it was one day longer. I have been sick through the whole thing and I think one more day would make me feel a ton better but nonetheless I am heading back to work tomorrow.
As of lately work has been anything but, it has been so slow that I am the only one there working a full day. I am constantly sending people home to not only having to pay overtime but because there is a lack of things to do. I keep my self busy by sitting on a stool and watching the clock on my computer change time. It is so slow I am scared that there will come a point in the near future that I will no longer have a job to come to. I understand that this is the time of year where business usually picks up but there has literally nothing to do most days. I am hoping that the bad weather and now that we are on the other side of the holiday will make things better but I am not going to hold my breath. As business has stayed slow and eventually tapered off I have been looking for new options of work up north just in case the worst does happen. I do not want to leave this place but if I lose my job I will have no other choice. I am really hoping something will change soon.
On a more positive note I have moved into a new apartment as of three weeks ago and I love it. It's still a tiny little dump but its a lot nicer than what I had. I sleep on my own actual mattress now and I only have one roommate, who is very clean. It's nice. I really enjoy living there and it will be depressing when I have to move back to a building in the fall, that is if the construction workers have the power and water turned back on like they said they would. But I am betting that, that will not happen till October.
Well until next time .. .. . . .

Wednesday, May 25, 2011


For the past few weeks I have not been on here. Not cause I don't want to post .... More I just keep forgetting and putting it off. Things have been decent and somewhat uneventful foe the past little while. I moved to my new apartment for the summer and now live with Alva. He's pretty chill and a really good roommate. It's been fun living with him.
Work has been interesting. The other main manager went in and had his back fused last week and now it's just me running the shop. What sucks about that is for the first time ever the shop is insanely slow. As in ... There are literally no costumers for hours at a time. It makes me very very nervous for my job security. I really do enjoy my job and am very grateful for it. I don't know what I would do with out it. But with there being no work to do there's no way for the shop to make money which means. . No business and now job. I would be seriously screwed of that happened.
I went to Las Vegas two weekends ago and that was ... Okay - sorry Cha. It was nice to leave for a bit but I do very much hate Las Vegas.
I've run inti some interesting spots in life....like I'm still not sure who I want to be and what I'm really doing with life. I mean seriously look at where I am and what I have for a life. Not too appealing is it? I know I have to see it all everyday. I wish on a lot of ways things had gone differently for me. I wish I could mike some changes to the past but who doesn't? All I'm saying is that I really wish I had the answer for everything and didn't make so many of the same mistakes.
That's life ...... That's how it always is and seems to be how it always will be.

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Tuesday, April 19, 2011

My guilty pleasure

There was something I realized last night.... I love the Harry Potter series, the movies and especially the books. I don't know why I just think the story tell and the story it self are just amazing. I know that's weird coming from a 25 year old but we all have embarrassing guilty pleasures.

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Monday, April 18, 2011

To you

After so long of not talking I still cant believe what I realize when I hang up the phone. You can still get me to talk about everything on my mind, and that your laugh still makes me laugh no matter how down I am. The last time I cried was because I didn't know what went wrong but I wish it hadn't, and that feeling of having lost something great comes so quick when we talk.
It may be to little and much to late and so frustrating to hear, but every night before I sleep I miss having you near.

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Sunday, April 10, 2011


I don't know why I do this to my self but as I was working on things this morning I realized I don't know what I want. I don't know who, where or what I want to be. I think I know what I want but every time I turn around I'm doing something that's completely opposite. I completely crash and burn. I can never find exactly what it is I want.
I guess for now I'll just keep trying to do what I think is right.

"I'm an island, people can visit but that's it."

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Monday, April 4, 2011

Things happen every day.....

The title of this post comes from a show I have been addicted to for the past few months, Weeds. Not the most "wholesome" show but still a very good and interesting. If you don't mind a drug based show with some off color language I think you would enjoy this one. But near the end of season five Nancy (the main character) is sitting with her younger son Shane and he said something I really like. Nancy is trying to apologize to Shane for something and he says, "It's fine, things happen, they happen everyday and tomorrow more things will happen...."
Though that may not be the exact quote, it's close enough to the point. He's right things happen EVERY day, both good and bad, planned and unexpected; that's life and we, more importantly, I need to deal with it. Everyone especially me tries SO hard to force everything to go exactly how we think they should go. That we need our lives to go in an exact perfect path, but it doesn't happen, cause things happen they happen everyday and they will happen tomorrow. Everyone just needs to deal and learn to live, enjoy the things that do go right or enjoy the wrong things that end up being good and make you happy.
I have one other thing to address, there are 5 people I would like to address but still anonymously in this post. Now you 5 may or may not who you are but still here it is. And to everyone else sorry for the random ambiguity.
#1 - Thank you for being there when I need to talk or need to vent, you know somewhat what I am going through and I appreciate it, sorry for being an ass sometimes but you know that's how I get
#2 - I know we've had our ups and downs and our issues but thank you for listening and caring when I had a some breakdowns. The trips to the mountains with the guns always help and make things a bit bearable. Thank you.
#3 - I'm sorry for how I have treated you from time to time. I try hard to be "stable" and normal but sometimes it doesn't go so well. I am so glad you try so hard to be understanding and want to help. I really really appreciate it.
#4 - I am extremely sorry how the past 5 1/2 months have been. Good at times but it seems like bad shows up more often than not. I know how frustrating I am, I can be, and how I continue to be. I am sorry. I really am trying but I tend to struggle. Please be patient.
#5 - Things are getting better and it is really a good thing. We have had some really serious issues for quite some time now and things are starting to get a lot better and despite what people may say about it. The things we have talked about and shared recently have really changed somethings. I am sorry for how things were going and what happened. I know I have said it before and I will say it again and again but I really am.
I know no one really cares about that last part but it had to be put up. Thanks for bearing through that with me.
Now I am making this post after 3 in the morning which means I cannot sleep and tomorrow will be an interesting day at work. I have not had my depression medication since Tuesday and I have been having some issues starting to deal with not having it. I have had a couple serious breakdowns, including tonight. I am trying to deal with it and am slowing getting to the point where I can.
Thanks for everyone's help and support.
Don't worry family, I AM FINE.

Friday, April 1, 2011

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

I'm back

After a few weeks of silence, I have made it back to the blog. I'm not sure how many people will now read due to the fact that I deleted my Facebook page, FINALLY, but still I'm writing more for my own good more than anything else.
Things have been busy and stressful as ever and I am more ready fir a vacation then I ever have been. Work has gotten so busy that running it alone for half the day is starting to really take it's toll, especially when I have to go home to building problems or homework. Like tonight I would love o go home, relax, play some nazi zombies and pass out early but that won't happen cause I have a laundry list of things I have to do. Lame. But thats life I guess.
New exciting news.... I got a raise, and I knew it was coming but I thought it was going to be about fifty cents or maybe a dollar but to my surprise I actually got a two dollar raise. I am so happy and grateful for that. It's very nice
Well that's all I got for now .... Maybe I'll post again soon.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

Friday, March 18, 2011

This is not a happy post

I am going to try very hard not to swear in this post and as the title states this will not be a happy post.
To those of you who, as of today made my day completely horrible. . . I hope bad, horrible things happen to you. Those people include the person who puked in my hall and bathroom but didn't clean it up, the kids who egged my truck, the people that have already yelled at me at work today, and of course .... My self for making my own life twenty times harder than it needs to be.
Now just so you all know I'm taking a break from life until Saturday, maybe even Sunday. Which means I will most likely not be answering my phone. It's not cause I'm mad at you it's just because I need some time alone and away from EVERYONE. I have needed this for a while and keep saying I will do it but I keep not doing anything about it, but I am this weekend so please don't try to find me. I'll find you when I'm ready.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

Location:S Main St,Ephraim,United States

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

In the morning when I rise...

What do you do when you want someone but don't at the same time? . . . What do you do when there are four different ones at the same time? What happens when you REALLY like someone but you can't decide what to do? Needless to say, I don't know.

".. And tell me everything is going to be alright."

Sunday, March 13, 2011

In celebration...

So I just saw that this will be my 50th post. . . . hooray? At fifty different times I guess I have had nothing to do, wow . . what a wonderful life eh? Anywho .... on with the show.

This weekend has been .. good .. interesting .. unexpected .. way too short. Now let me explain something real quick about this here 50th post, it's mostly going to be me writing out my thoughts, a couple a vents, and just all around randomness that I just need to get off my chest. And as you all know I don't really like to talk in person, SO this is the best I got. This week at work was one of the slowest yet if not the slowest. It just would not end. I have been stressed and worn out with that place for the past few weeks and I feel like it's finally catching up with me. I need a break from there and more than just the two days of the weekend because those are always full of things to do that I didn't get done during the week. I'm ready for a vacation but for those of you who know me, that will never happen because I am too stingy and a workaholic. By Friday of this past week I was fighting with 2 of my technicians about labor hours, job placement and just about everything else. It has now more than ever cemented the fact that I do NOT want to run my own business ever. Not fun. So I am ready for a longer break.
I guess when I get flustered and can clear my head I fall back on the old my numbing head clearer......cleaning. My apartment and truck are immaculate. I am so happy to have them both clean. And if my roommates don't heed the warning on the fridge to keep the place clean I'm gonna come unglued. I am sick of coming home to an apartment that smells like 15 homeless men under the mounds of trash piling up in the corners. I just want a better place to live or a bit better "behaved" roommates.
I have had a few conversations with a couple of people the past couple of days, namely Mom, Brent and Cory about some of the things posted here. Yes I know they are vague, but that's so that I don't get in trouble with other people for being completely honest. But with that put to the side I am being clear in this post so here you go... I had dinner with Lyric Friday night. I came up to Spanish Fork and really wanted to see her because of that dream I had. The dinner was great, I was so happy to be back around her. She really does make me happy. Afterward I told her of my dream and how I was feeling and I thought it would clear some air and make things a bit easier, but to be honest I'm pretty sure that I confused the hell out of her and actually made my self sad for the stupid decision I made 5 weeks or so ago. I made a mistake and I told her that. We both left happy to see each other again but confused and a bit sad.
As far as dating here in Ephraim I feel like I have rushed into things a bit too fast and did it to cover up how I felt about everything that has happened with Lyric. I do feel horrible about how this is going to make people feel and I am so sorry. I really am. Sorry.
I was talking with Magnum today when I got back from a drive and it's funny even though we really don't do a lot of long intense conversations just the small things said on both our parts made me think even more. I am really happy that Magnum is such a good friend. He is such a good guy, it will be sad if they move far. But it helped me realize that though I do like it here and I love my job and am very grateful for it, I really don't want to stay here long. I love my family and friends up in Utah county. I miss them. Being up there the past few weekends and seeing them so much and hanging out a lot made me realize that I do miss them and wish I could be around more often.
On other notes, I have been really stressed lately about .. the future. Yeah I know weird..... I have been reading a lot of news lately. The itouch makes it easy to do so. And I don't know what's happening with everything falling to crap but it's not cool. It makes me nervous for my plans for the future and for the fact that I want a family of my own. Life is way hard right now and it's just going to get harder and I don't really want to make my kids go through that but I know having a family is a good thing. I am jealous of what Cory has.
Back to the conversation I was having with Magnum. We were talking about jobs he's been looking for and he made mention of changing his major because he's realized he may not like it or may be better at something else. He said that he believes everyone is really good at at least one thing professionally. Some people see it and take advantage of it, some people ignore it and go for money instead, and some people don't ever see it and wish they had. It really made me think about what I want to do in life. I want to teach but I kinda don't. Is it what I am best at? I haven't had much experience with it, how would I know? Would I be better suited for something like what I am doing now? I don't know what to think. It's a bit frustrating.
So I know this has been a very long post and I will be surprised if anyone really makes it to the end and actually pays attention. But there you go, an open insight to my mind right now. Now this is the part that no one will like. I love you all and really do like that you are concerned about me and my life and all that blah blah blah ...... BUT this post was just a vent, release to my mind. I DO NOT want to talk about these things and won't really be happy if I get phone calls all about it. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE take this all for what it's worth.....not a whole lot. This is just like me writing in a journal just to get things out. They aren't really up for discussion. Sorry.
I hope you aren't too mad and will still continue to read in the future.

"Sometimes I go a little crazy like you."

Friday, March 11, 2011

Quick explination..

I know I just posted something a bit off but let me clarify somthing real quick; have you ever had one of those dreams that seriously messes with you? Like the kind that you wake up and want life to be different or realize you've done something wrong? Well I had one of those the other night.

It started off with me in Utah county working for Pepsi still, I was at a store in Provo and I saw someone from high school, Analece Boothe. I had a conversation and asked about Lyric and how she was doing and that kind of stuff. She told me that Lyric had left on another mission but was in town for the weekend. At hearing that I started to panic. I rushed out of the store scared that I would miss my chance. I found her in an old house talking with friends. The instant I saw her I had every emotion come back to me that I had ever felt about her. I had to be by her. I went over and she didn't want to talk to me, she didn't even want to see me. Which I understood, all I wanted from her was 2 minutes, she agreed and I used those two minutes to explain that I was sorry for everything and I have had the worst 2 months of my life and that I missed her and wish I could go back and slap some sense into me. She looked at me, smiled and walked off with her family. Out of no where I was walking with Jared down the road talking about it and about how he is leaving on a mission too. We spoke about what Randilyn will do while he is gone and then we spoke about what had happened with Lyric and I. We came to a stop at an intersection and he looked at me and asked, "What are you going to do?"

At that moment I woke up to my alarm.

Ever since I have been confused and feeling horrbile about things that have happened, and now I'm not sure if I did the right thing. Now I know people are going to get upset and not be happy with me about this but .... oh well

My apologies

How many times can you make roughly the same mistake before you get smart enough to realize you're making life harder than it needs to be?
Everyone makes mistakes in life, it happens. But most people seem to learn from those mistakes. I on the other hand seem to never realize that stupid choices lead to harder situations. SO, with that being said, I am sorry to those of you that have been hurt/slighted/offended by my stupid selfish actions. Whether your my mom, my brothers, Lyric, Berlin, Ashley, Cha, a coworker, or old friend I am sorry. I guess I don't really know what I want in life, even when I am given time to make my decision.

"It's a baby cage."

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

Friday, March 4, 2011

The more I think

As I lay down for bed I had a thought come to me earlier tonight while watching a show with Jared and Randilyn, I love my life, I really do but there is one aspect of it that I am ready to have be a bit different.
It seems as though all, with the exception of Landon, are married or very soon to be.... Just waiting on news of a date Steve ..... But it's not like I'm dying to just rush into anything drastic I just want to be on the way there and to be honest, as of this moment I just don't feel like I am (sorry) and I want that to be different.
I know that some of you will find that hard to believe or to take in, seeing as how just a couple of days ago I was talking about how I just want to live alone in a small house with nobody but myself and a dog. Though that does still sound appealing, maybe the addition of a cute wife would be nice

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

Location:W 300 N,Spanish Fork,United States

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Let me explain ... Kinda

I'm not in a good mood, but the reason is my own business so don't ask. But what I will tell you is that I probably won't answer my phone, so unless you want to deal with me being ornery on the phone to you if I do answer just wait for a few days. To those of you that do get a text or call from me ..... don't get too pissed if i just stop talking. Sorry.
And for those of you that I will get flak from for writing this .... sorry I can't always be cheery and merry and positive. I'm just not that way.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

Location:10 E,Ephraim,United States

Monday, February 28, 2011

Just decided..

I have decided today that I really do love my truck. Ever since I got that leveling kit I think it just looks a ton better. Thats what I just decided.
Well that's all I got for now.....peace

"do you like cheese?"

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

Location:10 E,Ephraim,United States

Sunday, February 27, 2011

2 weeks removed

It's been two weeks since I last posted and to those of you that read I am sorry for the delay. I have been crazy busy but still nothing of any excitement really. I have been working my self to death and I am ready for a break, I did get a day off on Friday but I was busy doing wedding stuff with Jared so that doesn't really count. I get to go back to work tomorrow with out the knowledge of when my other boss will be back, back surgery takes way too long to recover from and it's wearing me out having to run that place, do RA stuff and try to keep up appearances with people after and in between work and RA junk. So that's where I have been.
One of the cool things that has happened in the past couple weeks is.. one I got the torsion keys put on my truck which lifted the front end of my truck about 2 inches. It doesn't seem like much but is actually quite noticeable once you sit inside...well at least it is to me.
Another thing that has happened and to those of you who have been around me recently will be sick of this topic, but I got a new itouch. It's awesome. Since it is a new toy I do spend a bit more time on it than I should but that will pass eventually.
The last big thing that has happened to me in the past two weeks that is really cool is that I got another Nixon watch. I had this one previously but I had it stolen from me while I was in California about 3 years ago. So I had to get it again. I love it. It's so nice. Just a simple small watch with a black canvas band and a white face. It really does look good.
On another note I had a different run in that has come as a surprise to most people. On the 19th I actually met up and had lunch with Berlin. She has changed a lot and wasn't acting so crazy, so I agreed to meet up with her. She even had a few pictures that I hadn't seen yet that I actually really liked. We talked for a while and it was really nice to catch up and actually apologize and talk about things that happened in the past year. We have cleared everything up and to be honest it actually is a lot better feeling knowing that things are okay between me and her.
And lastly a huge congrats to Jared and Randilyn. They finally tied the knot, got married and started all that part of their life on Friday. It was really good to know that they got married in the temple too. That was really cool. I am very happy for them and excited for them to start that part of their lives. So again congrats you two, I am so happy for you guys.
Ya know, talking to people I tend to find that a lot of single people when the go to weddings feel like they are missing out or feel jealous about the fact that someone's got what they don't. But though I am happy for them and am glad they got that done, I'm happy with where I am at right now. I am happy being single for the moment. It was hard getting to this point and becoming single always sucks but I really am happy. I am glad I have the chance to finish my education and that I have a really good job and that I live in an apartment for free. I really am not too torn up about it at all.
Any who I hope that I my computer continues to work well and i don't have anymore issues with it so that I can post more often, till next time......


Sunday, February 13, 2011

Long time coming

So I know it has been a while since I posted but really nothing has been happening. The only real things going on is that I have decided to stay here in Ephraim for the next couple years to stay with my job and continue school through the USU extension here. I think it's a really good idea so I'm doing it.
The other big news. . . I got new tires hahahaha YES! Not only Are they new they are a little more aggressive than my last ones so I had to go test them out... by the looks of my truck I most definitely belong here in Ephraim. That's okay it was fun. Now I have to spend hours cleaning it. I went back to work Saturday to check on a couple things and who was there to greet me but the funnest dog ever... Tango! If anyone has heard my stories from work this is the Tango that I play with almost everyday at work. He's the best dog, I want my dog (when I get one) to be just like him.
It's been a very quiet few weeks, nothing to write about...wait that's a lie, last week I was planning on having a very nice relaxing week end and was going to sleep in really late on Saturday but much to my demise the fire alarm went off at 5:50 in the morning. Now those of you familiar with the housing here this is not the small alarm in each apartment. This was the huge one around the whole building, the one that screams that the building is on fire and everyone is about to die. The one that you couldn't ignore to save your life. So I had to get up and evacuate the building and wait for the fire department to come and search the building. So as 15 students and I stood out side the building I got a little pissed that I had to be up and there was obviously nothing wrong. And of course there were about 6 kids that didn't think, "oh hey its 6 in the morning in the middle of February... I should grab a jacket... or shoes." Some times they are just dumb and I have to wonder how they are really in college. Wouldn't that be on the top of the list of things to grab?! Oh hey I going out side should I put on shoes?....NAH! That would just be ridiculous.
Any who there is my weekly story of the idiocy of some of the residents in student housing.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

2 seconds

I finally have about 2 seconds to write in here for the first time in a while. It has been an insane few days/weeks ..... This week I am running the shop while the owner is in South Carolina and the Manager is out with back surgery. So I am there literally 10 and a half hours a day. I have to skip my classes and lunch so that I can stay on top of things. Also at the same time I am trying to stay caught up with homework and reading in the classes. THEN I am trying to do all of my RA duties and also find time to make it to the temple. ALSO I am trying to get to bed earlier so that I don't keep crashing around 5 p.m. To say the least it's not been a good little while . . EXCEPT FOR the fact that there is a new Mexican restaurant on main street and it is awesome!!! I have eaten there 5 of the last 7 days and I don't regret it at all. Their small "street tacos" are the most amazing thing ever. If this place doesn't stay I will be very sad and upset.
So I have been trying really hard to stay caught up with all of my goals this year that I made...it's been hard this week hahaha but I am trying.
I have decided this past week that I will be staying here in Ephraim for the next little while. I have a good job that wants to keep me, and pay me more and even send me to Baltimore for some training this summer. I have the opportunity to live rent free till next May, and I can finish school here through the USU extension out on Snow's west campus. So I know it sucks it some ways but I do feel it is the smartest and best thing for me to do with my life right now so that I can have the quickest way to a more stable future for me and my eventual family. I know some people will be mad a me for this decision. I'm sorry, I'm trying to do what's best for me in my life right now.
Any who gotta go, more homework.

"But when the sun comes up it will be on your side, it will be on our side."

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Sunday, January 9, 2011


This is an assignment for my History of Rock and Roll class. I had to make a list of at least 10 songs that somewhat define my life and who I am, I found it a bit interesting so I thought I would share it with you, enjoy......

  • Jump – Van Halen

    This song will always remind me of my dad, riding in his bronco on the way to the Provo airport. It reminds me that I had a cool dad that was funny and loved to play. Van Halen will always be important to me for that reason.

  • New Dark Ages – Bad Religion

    As I have gotten older and my music tastes have changed Bad Religion has been a band in the past 10 years that makes me love punk music more and more. Greg Graffin is so smart in his lyrics and what he chooses to talk about. It gives the music so much more meaning.

  • Ob-La-Di, Ob-La-Da – The Beatles

    This song has always been present in my life, I don't know when or where I heard it first but I have always loved it. It again reminds me of my dad and how much he loved music too. It was the only song that I remember having the piano in it and made me want to play the piano. It was the first time I ever wanted to play music, it had to be when I was around the age of seven.

  • Family System – Chevelle

    Chevelle was my first experience with what my family would call “angry” music. Screaming and heavily distorted guitars. Chevelle has such a great way to evoke emotion from their music that it was something that I, to this day, always listen to when I am getting ready for snowboarding. It always gets me excited and pumped up.

  • Hungarian Rhapsody No.2 in C-Sharp

    When I was 10 I saw the movie “Shine” for the first time and ever since then I have had an affinity for classical music, especially this song. Hearing it will always make me want to play the piano.

  • Friends In Low Places – Garth Brooks

    When you are a little kid you listen to the music that the rest of your family listens to. When I was younger my uncles and cousins listened to country and so in turn I wanted to fit in and as such I listened to Garth Brooks. The first CD I ever had was a Garth Brooks CD that my uncle didn't want so I got it. I will always have a soft spot for country because of that fact.

  • Leave – Glen Hansard

    Probably the best “musical” type movie made in the longest time. I love Once and all the music from the movie, but Leave is especially good to me because of the time when I first heard it. It just got to me and had a lot of meaning to me with people I didn't want to deal with anymore.

  • Illumination – Gogol Bordello

    Ah Gogol Bordello, you don't always have to sound kinda like every one else to make good music. That's what I will always take away from them. These are the most humble musicians I have ever seen preform. Eugene Hutz is so passionate about his music it just makes me want to play my guitar. I started listening to them at a time that I was starting to get bored with playing my own music and ever since when I don't feel like writing or playing I just watch or listen to them and I just makes me want to play. And it will always remind me of the good times Steve and I had hanging out.

  • Brain Stew – Green Day

    Brain Stew is that one song that kinda just defines a few years of your life. When I hear it all I can think of is when I was 10 and 11 hanging out with my friends Josh and Jeremy. The song was new and weird and unexplainable. The lyrics were just so out there for us that we just couldn't help but love the song.

  • Under My Umbrella – Incubus

    All I have to say about this is, high school. This whole album, Incubus – Morning View, was all I felt like I needed to listen to all through out high school.

  • God Save The USA – Pennywise

    When I started hanging out with my new group of friends; Jared, Rob, Cris, Steve. Pennywise is one of the greatest groups we were listening to. They have been so good for so long. Every time they come to town we all try and meet up and go to the show. Just what we do as friends, concerts.

  • (If You're Wondering If I Want You To) I Want You To – Weezer

    I have mixed feelings about how this song plays into my life. When I hear it I automatically think of two things, working for Pepsi and Berlin. This is an amazing song and you can tell these guys are doing what they love and still having fun doing it after 18 years. But some of the memories I have of Pepsi and Berlin (my ex-fiancée) are not the greatest. So I am torn on this one.

Saturday, January 8, 2011

Bored for a minute

Gregory Page Jorgensen



What color is your hair

What color is your eyes

Single or In a relationship
Single. . . as always

In Love
With my 9mm pistol, football, my truck.

Fav Food
Depends on the mood so dang near anything

A long time ago

A long time ago

What is your fav color

Why does it matter, I just like them

Who is your best friend
Steve, and Jared

What are you scared of
Seriously? Nothing at all. I'm just awesome like that.

What do you hate the most
Living in student housing . . . and stupid people

Have you ever talked about someone
Who hasn't?

Have you ever got in a fight
Yeah in like 6th grade

Do you hate someone right now
Yes, very much so

Are you shy or the opposite
Not shy at all

What's your favorite name for a girl?
One that doesn't sound like a boy's

What's your favorite name for a boy?
One that doesn't sound like a girl's

Do you like coke or pepsi?
Pepsi of course

Have you read Twilight?
I can honestly say no I have not READ them

What does your car smell like?
Black Ice air freshener, a truck

Have you ever eaten a marshmallow burnt?
Yes, they're pretty nasty

Do you have a gerbil?
What kind of question is that?

Are you afraid of airplanes?
Never have been never will be

What gives you goosebumps?
People picking their nails

Whose your favorite character on TV?
Barney Stinson and Howard Wolowitz

Why did you take this survey?
Because I read it on Emily's blog and I was bored and figured it was something to do for a few minutes

Do you like ice cream?
Yes but who doesn't. Seriously

Have you been to an arcade before?
Best ever!

What is your favorite song?
Right now? . . . . New Dark Ages - Bad Religion

What is your least favorite movie?
I would have to say, Avatar. It just wasn't that good at all. I was bored for most of it.

When do you think the world will end?
Tomorrow, or maybe 2012, or never. I don't know I don't really care either.

Do you think cheesy jokes are funny?
Heck yeah that's why I tell them

Do you like texting or calling?
Mostly texting but some people I would rather call. Or how about we just talk in person? What ever happened to that. Maybe write a letter?

Have you ever online dated?

Whose the last person you hugged?
June Miller

Do you believe Wikipedia is always right?
Wikipedia is always right, especially after I change things.

Do you like bulldogs?
Not really. Labs are better

Have you ever eaten a corndog?
All the time, the best are from the red caboose in Disneyland at the end of main street. I LOVE those.

What's your favorite article of clothing?
My new Jazz shorts, they are insanely comfortable

Do you like classical music?
Yeah most days

Is your grandma still alive?
Yup one of them

What's your favorite video on Youtube?
I don't watch you tube

Do you have a friend named Buddy?
Don't ever ask that again, I hate that movie

Why are people weird?
Why not? Being normal is over rated and a little boring

What's your pets middle name?
Really? Who does that?

Have you ever dated 2 people at one time?
I'm not Rocky I couldn't get away with that

Have you ever sniffed someones hair secretly?
No I'm not creepy. I do it openly

Do you have a T.V in your room?
Heck yes

How long can you go without electronics?
Forever. I only use them cause they are around

What are your siblings names?
Cory, Tyler, Brent, Shaun, Alexa. (I think those last three count)

Are you bored right now?
I live in Ephraim, of course I am

What do you love to dream about?
Riding motorcycles, playing football, and living in Europe

Are you answering these questions with false answers or true?
True 100%

Now don't judge me, I was bored I live in Ephraim and lets be honest it kept you entertained for a minute. Now to a different subject.. I have been having mixed feelings about staying here recently. I get thinking about it and it hasn't been bothering me as much as usual but I think that's because I have a stable job, somewhere to live (for now) and a fairly comfortable life and that seems nice to keep. But really I don't want to stay here especially cause I feel like there is no one here to date seriously for a long time around. Or I don't have my long time friends here. So I am kinda torn on what to do. Oh well I don't really have to decide what to do for a couple more months so I guess I can wait to decide.

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

First night

Last night was my first night on duty at my new building. It was, as being on duty always is, uneventful and boring...to start with. My thanks goes out to the lady dudes, Ashley Chelsey and June for coming and visiting and eating my pizza and making the night here better.
I did introduce them into the awesomeness of Scott Pilgrim vs The World. I'm pretty sure they would agree with me on how awesome that movie is. If you haven't seen it I highly recommend it cause it's pretty funny. And quite original. Other than that, nothing is going on here. Classes started yesterday and my schedule is as follows M,W,F - History of the Modern World; T,Th - History of Rock and Roll. Yeah I have a hard semester ahead of me...seriously.

"It shipped from somewhere and I've been handling it."

Saturday, January 1, 2011

New year, a new life...

Every year every one makes "New Years Resolutions", but instead of doing that I'm going to go ahead and call them goals this year. That, to me, makes them a bit more realistic and easier to keep up on. Now I know everyone does the same thing, follows through really well for the first couple of days or even weeks but I have made mine fairly simple so that I have no excuse not to follow through. Now if you don't mind here is the list...
- Pay off small simple debts (Credit Card, Overdraft, etc...) and don't reuse them.
- Get back into shape.
- Scriptures and Prayer EVERY night, not just the occasional.
- Be a full tithe payer.
- Read 5 new books.
- Go on at least 1 vacation.
- Attend the temple at least once a month.
- Move into, we'll call it a more "adult" housing situation. (no more college apartments)
- Either find a better more permanent job or earn more at the one I'm at.

Now all of those are very simple and easy to do. The last two may be a bit hard for the next couple of months but, if I can pay off debts and save more I will have no problem I believe.
And so begins a new year hopefully better in some ways than the last. Thank you to everyone that has been reading and following on this blog for the past couple of months, I will try harder this year to be a bit more active in posting and having more entertaining stories or posts.
Happy New Year and I hope you are able to keep with all resolutions or goals you have set for the year.

"Yeah, I think garlic bread would have to be my favourite all-time food. I could eat it for every meal. Or just constantly, without stopping."