Monday, December 27, 2010
A look back. . .
So this past year has bee crazy, it has had some great ups and extremely depressing lows. I know that a lot of you either saw these things or were part of them or just heard about them but still I think it's time to take a look at the big things that happened this year. (or somethings I think are big and important)
I started the year engaged and very stressed about it, if you are someone close to me that I talked to during the last 2 weeks of last year and the first week of this year you will know what I am talking about. I was working for Pepsi and hating it and also as usual, living at home. Then on January 4th (I think) everything changed for the whole year. Berlin and I found out that she was pregnant so we had a rough couple of days but decided to get married on a moved up day as to get both her and the new baby on my health insurance, January 29th. Well as is clear, a few days before on January 25th I called off the wedding. I still was not happy and could not handle it anymore. I didn't want to get married only to be miserable and have my marriage end less than a year later especially when there is a baby involved. So after all the invites were sent out, tuxes rented and fitted, dresses bought, catering ordered . . I ended it. It was hard and the worst day of my life but I still feel to this day it was the right decision.
Then nothing happened for a long time all I did was work and work a lot. I tried out for a local semi-pro football team and made it but had to quit because of work but until March I did nothing. In March I lost my job with Pepsi and had to sell my motorcycle to meet all my other bills. That was a very sad day for me. In April I got a new job at Oh My Crafts! packaging craft supplies for an online craft store . . . work is work don't make fun. Then in May I was able to get on back at the Oil Change, but by this time I had decided to go back to school but found out that I had to go back to Snow to raise my GPA, so I started to get ready. And also I got my concealed weapons permit! Then June started.
June through the first part of August was AMAZING and can be summed up in one word, one name, Lyric. For two months we had the best summer ever, a soccer game, a baseball game, a rain and lightning storm, 4-wheeling, motorcycle rides, game nights with family, cooked dinners, late night talks, . . . just everything good. It was so much fun, what dating should be. It was a summer we both needed. I loved it so much because from day 1 she knew of my situation and was very understanding and amazing about it. The only downside, I was leaving. On August 9th I left for school to start the RA training. I was asked to be an RA in student housing. How do you say no to free housing for the year?
By the end of August the only things I had going for me is that I was living and going to school for free and I had Lyric. I had no job and no way to pay for my food or truck or phone or any other bills. I was hitting the bottom I had no where to go no where to turn, then out of no where I was told of a job my last option, American Car Care. One of the other RA's, Magnum, had just quit and told me to take the job, I applied and well . . obviously I got it. With that we start September.
The only and greatest big thing of September is Olivia. She was born in September and that trumps anything else that may have happened that month. October . . . well how about taking Lyric to Homecoming on my 25th birthday. That was pretty cool, it was a great birthday. And at the very end of the month I finally after years and years, I got my temple recommend back. that was a very good day! We can just skip November that month was a waste. December...actually that one has been too. The only thing that has really happened in December is I got screwed and moved into another building. So there you are, my year in a long post that I'm thinking not a lot of people will read all the way through. If you did congrats.
"Ray if some one asks you if you're a god you say YES!"
Saturday, December 18, 2010
Tiger Army never dies
I was happy to wake up this morning and see that winter had finally arrived here this year, though I am giving the couple of inches of snow we got about 3 days then I am betting it will be gone and we will have 50 degree weather . . . again. Seriously I am ready for winter to just show up and stay. I don't really care how much everyone else complains about
So a couple of weeks ago I got a couple more pictures of Olivia and there is one I really like so I'm going to put it up here but I think it's going to be the last one I do post here.
"You may say I'm a dreamer, but I'm not."
Thursday, December 16, 2010
New place
To those of you who have been trying to get a hold of me and try and talk to me and have but gotten a short seemingly unhappy response....well I am going to apologize, sorry. I have been so busy and stressed all I ever want to do is sleep now. So in all honesty, thank you for calling and texting to see how I am doing, I am fine. I am very busy and tired. All I want to do is sleep and sit in my room alone and relax. Please don't be offended by my shortness or lack of answers I just would rather sit quietly than anything. Especially tonight after unpacking and setting up my new room.
Finally this semester is over. I feel like I did pretty good, I'm pretty sure I passed my two classes and did so in a grand manner. When I get my grades I will be sure to post them here for all to see and mock me at how well I actually didn't do. Now I get a couple weeks to wait until I start my new classes, History of Rock and Roll and U.S. History after 1877. I'm pretty sure that's going to be an easy semester.
Well I am sorry this post has taken so long to write but I will try to be more active with putting things up here. Until next time . . . peace.
"Bears, beets, battlestar galactica."
Sunday, December 5, 2010

To be honest I have no idea what has happened, it's like a swollen black eye with a blister, I have no clue what happened. I probably got hit by one of my residents and didn't even know it

Sunday, November 21, 2010
On to a better subject, as I sit here working on my computer I have my blinds open so that I can see it snowing, yes it's snowing. I know we aren't getting hit as hard as some areas up north but still it's really the first big snow storm of the year .... wait .... okay it just stopped, but it should be starting again soon, I hope.
Weirdest thing ever, so I was having a rough night last night, I was way frustrated with my allergies, yeah gay I still have them and it pisses me off to no end, I couldn't breath again and I have nothing to help it. I in my anger and frustration I went to Maverik and bought some Nyquil and figured if I can't fix it I will just go to sleep and hope that fixes it. Which I did, I passed out so fast but when I woke up, my eye was swollen, like I had been hit in the face. It's weird, it's not bruised really at all and except for one spot it's not tender. It is so weird and I have been trying to get it to go away all day long but still even 9 hours since I got up I still look like Rocky from the end of each of his movies, all messed up face. I have no way of explaining how that happened.
Sunday, November 14, 2010
Thanks buddy.
Also when I went up I went over and saw Jared and Randilyn's new house that they just closed on. Seeing that really makes me want to get out of school and on with my life, I'm so tired of living in crappy housing and going really nowhere in life. It would be nice to have more stability in my life than what I have had in the past few years. Hopefully things will starting heading in that direction . . . that would be nice.
Wednesday, November 10, 2010
I thought that at least doing something nice would make me feel better after this past week, but it really didn't. In all reality I actually feel worse than I did before. I think it's now more a realization that I may have messed more things up in my life that I didn't mean to. Somethings I wish I could redo, I'm sorry.
I know almost everyone who reads that will be a little lost but so ........ sorry about that.
On the slightly up side, it snowed today, all day here; and it still is snowing and supposed to all day tomorrow too. It's really been great. I love the snow and am excited for it to be here again, I don't really care if it lasts till May, gotta love Utah for that.
Tuesday, November 9, 2010
I come for some reason.
I felt like writing something but to be honest I have nothing to write about. All I ever do is work and homework, occasionally I play some games or read a book but honestly I don't do anything. I guess I could post one new picture of Olivia. That has been the highlight of the past week.
HAHAHA all she does is chill in her little chair with, yes Mom that is one of the blankets you made for her.
It's been getting colder and colder here every day, I watched the temperature at work all day and it never got over 50 all day. It was GREAT! And we're supposed to get snow for the next 2 days, so I hope that happens.
My biggest new accomplishment has been my "piggy bank". Yeah I figured that if I put my extra money in a sealed jar I can't spend it with out breaking the whole thing. Hopefully I can get around to saving some more money, if any at all. But the bank really isn't a pig . . . or a bank really. It's an old peanut jar that I rubber cemented shut than covered about 15 times with duck tape. It should hold...I think.
Nothing really exciting has been happening in my building, I have yelled at a few more kids the past couple weeks, but that's mostly because they are mentally handicapped when it comes to owning common sense. Seriously it's not that hard to act like an adult. . . . . Some people's kids.
Thursday, November 4, 2010
Takin a break
"What a nice bear. He smells like strawberries TOO!"
Sunday, October 31, 2010
Surprise post
Friday, October 29, 2010
3 Season Territory

So it has happened, for the most part we have completely skipped fall. Utah's fall is about 2 1/2 weeks long then it's straight into winter. It has been amazingly cold lately, people have been having to scrape their windows in the mornings, but not I. Yes my truck is that awesome! But the past day or so it has been really nice in the afternoons around the time I get off work.
I do have a couple of pictures of some of the coolest/funniest things I have gotten or seen lately, I have to admit they are pretty amazing!!
It's been pretty boring and uneventful down here. I don't really have much to comment on other than that I love fall here, there's so many HUGE trees here that there are leaves everywhere! Especially on campus...okay so the huge bottle of colon flow on my screen is really distracting..just sayin..... but the whole campus turns yellow because of the amount of leaves on the ground. It's pretty cool.
This week end is Halloween and for the first time in a long time I really have absolutely no plans, in fact I plan on shutting my doors and locking my room one and not answering, even if people know I'm home. I'm so ready for a relaxing weekend of nothingness... well except for homework and football. I would like to have a weekend full of Fable 3 but I don't have a copy of it and to be honest it kinda pisses me off. I really REALLY want to play that. I love the fable games.
I was going to come home this weekend and visit but I decided that it would be smarter to stay and spend my money on food and part of the bill on my truck, though I have still yet to register it, yeah I don't really have 100+ dollars sitting around to pay the tax on it, so I am going to have to save for that one.
I know this post has been fairly boring but I figured that if there is a picture of colon flow on the screen I can type anything I want and it will count as a pretty epic post.
Oh and by the way, Giants=awesome! This world series has been quite awesome. I'm thinking of growing my beard a lot longer and dying it black in support of Brian Wilson (the closer for the Giants)
"Icky thump, who'da thunk, sittin drunk on a wagon to Mexico"
Wednesday, October 20, 2010
Nothing really to call home about
After this past weekend which was great minus 2 things; A) I didn't watch any football .. .. I know my life is so hard and sad B) I couldn't get on the internet to do homework. I have decided I'm not sure what I want to be doing and/or where I would like to be doing it. Part of me wants to stay here and keep working and see where this job can take me (which is probably no where further than living permanently in Ephraim). Yet after some thought this weekend and a few really good conversations with different people, that's probably not the smartest thing at all. Lyric had a great point, this is a good job but not a career for me. Though it is nice that they want to give me all the extra training and pay raises, cause I'll never complain about that. And I really do/don't like it here. I mean it is a great town, it's nice, and quiet, very friendly...just a good place but I'm an hour or more from anyone or anything. Which I would be fine with if I was married and raising a family but well..surprise I'm not right now. Sorry I had to spring that surprise on you. And because I'm not I would actually like to be closer to everyone else for now.
And now I have started to think twice about what I really want to do for school. I don't know if teaching history really is the route I want to be taking. I got talking with a really nice older lady at work the other day and she was asking me what I was going to school for and I told her the past 2 1/2 years I was working on being a history/social sciences teacher but then I remembered the night before I was going over some old physics homework and I remembered how much I liked that class, so I also told her I was thinking of going into physics also (though I'm not sure why I said that cause I haven't really thought that until recently). She then made a comment that is very true, history teachers are great and it's a good subject but they are a dime a dozen. Every football player forced to choose a major chooses history. It's easy, everyone knows it. I realized she was and still is right, more than any other subject (except for maybe dance) I have met TONS of history majors. Though I love history maybe it would be smarter for me to look into something else. She also made a point that I remember reading about, that there aren't enough people going into the sciences and it's a very open field of work and in need of a lot of college graduates. That's always nice, to be able to have a better chance of getting a career out of college in the subject I just graduated is the reason I am going to school.
So I have been thinking of going into physics now. What I would do...I'm not sure. Maybe I'll become Sheldon or Leonard from The Big Bang Theory.

Sorry this post has been a little boring and a little more serious than most others, so now it's time for some very interesting good stuff!! Big announcement..... we got a new rim poster in the bathroom at work! Yeah we did! Now I'm not so bored if I ever go in there hahahaha
"You can call it a ninja star danger jock if you want. Doesn't make you any less of a cross-dresser."
Tuesday, October 12, 2010
Love it
That's all
"Hey lady there's a whale on your boat!"
Sunday, October 10, 2010
The day of days
Yet there is another thing that is far more pressing that happened in 1985 that for me was quite important. It happened in October on the ninth to be precise, yet my memory is fading so I could not tell you the time. It was in a small hospital in the city of American Fork, Utah. A young mother gave birth to her second son. Me, that’s right me.
Yesterday was my 25th birthday and I was blessed enough to spend it in Ephraim, not the ideal place for ANYONE to spend their birthday. It was most definately the last place I thought I would be spending this birthday if you would have asked me a few years ago. But it happens and thanks to Lyric it was a great one. To start the day Lyric showed up with breakfast for me, doughnuts and a coke, and we just hung out and watched football for the morning, around 1:15 we headed over to the football game. A little after half time I got really tired so we came back to my apartment and took a nap for quite some time, I think we slept for about 2 hours it was nice. After that I cooked us dinner, steak baked potatoes spaghetti squash and rolls. It was a good one. Then we just hung out for a little bit then took off to the homecoming dance. We were there for a bit then it was getting late so I had to get Lyric home so she didn't die driving home through the canyons. That and I was getting way tired again. Needless to say.. it was a great birthday, so thank you very much Lyric.
I do wish I would have gotten two things that I am going to have to eventually buy for my self, those things would be .......
Tuesday, October 5, 2010
WHAT!?! Thats right I'm back
I went home for the first time in about 3 weeks this past weekend and spent a lot of the time with Lyric or by my self, no one really knew I was coming so my family was all busy and/or gone. I stayed up till 4 the first night just playing Reach on-line cause I have yet to do that and I heard it was pretty fun and well.. it is and it's addicting. On Saturday I watched conference in the morning and looked for stuff at my Mom's house, then for the rest of the afternoon I was at Lyric's family's house watching conference and eating dinner till it was time for priesthood session. I went and to be completely honest I slept for all of it except for 2 talks, so for what I saw it was really good. Then later that night Lyric and I watched Walk The Line and ever since I've been addicted to Johnny Cash music, which isn't bad, I just haven't really listened to him this much.
I've been freaking out the past little while cause I have had my check engine light on for the past 2 1/2 months and I thought I was going to be spending hundreds of dollars fixing my lean fuel problem, but then I found what was really wrong .. a cracked vacuum line .. and I fixed it, for free! Yes I did. It was great! Now my truck runs like a champ....again.
So today I was asked by one of the school counselors to come speak in her class about how to make the most of your college experience and how to not waste your time. I'm pretty sure that most of the kids in the class didn't hear a single thing I said but I really don't care, most of them just stared at the floor. Then when the teacher asked if anyone had questions everyone instantly just started looking around and trying to get picked on or even look like they had thoughts on their minds. It was pretty funny.
See that's the most exciting things that ever happen down here so I'm not sure why I write sometimes cause it's just not exciting at all.... in fact I'm a little bored even writing this, but I'm going to force my self to keep going.
Actually tonight is a little exciting, not for Miss Snow competition in fact that's a deterrent from what I have going on tonight. Tonight is our first weekly poker night!! That's right I said poker night. A bunch of us played a few nights ago and we decided that we need to start playing every week, so we're going to try and do it every Tuesday night. I'm freaking way excited to play.
"That's a big Twinkie."
Sunday, September 26, 2010
Agh!! Rough night
But there are a couple of students/residents down here that I have a bit of an issue with. Lucky me it's a guy and a girl that like to sit around all wrapped around each other and lovey like and its a bit annoying. But any who last night we had an injury while some residents were playing a game and when she came in and we were trying to figure out what was wrong I was a little upset about this game causing another injury or making someone feel uncomfortable. I know it's their own choice to play the game but I figured they'd be smart enough to not hurt each other. So I told the people that for now they were done playing the game, I guess, I was a little upset and I may have come across as a little mean and I didn't mean to. The other residents kinda understood where I was coming from but these two started up right away telling me that I had no right to make up rules and enforce things I don't have authority too. I never meant to come across like I was trying to do that. I was just trying to help keep some of the residents from getting hurt and get them to stop for the night or next couple of days and I may have I have not clarified what I meant so it is totally my fault.
So I took the next hour or so and sat and talked with them ab0ut I feel like when I'm on duty I have the responsibility to look out for the health and safety of the residents but still they sat and argued that I was doing things wrong, and as we talked the real reasoning came out, I guess I'm not as good as Magnum, OF COURSE I'M NOT!!! I'm not Magnum, I haven't done this for a year already, I don't have his patience or am not as nice or laid back as him, SURPRISE!! idiots This whole injury thing has really been the only big thing I've had to deal with and the fact that this couple was crying about how I've handled things in the building wrong this year so far made me a bit pissed.
Sometimes I'm not sure if this was the right thing for me to be doing, that maybe I shouldn't stay for a full year. I don't know, I guess yet again it's just been a rough night, oh can I also mention that through out all the running around last night trying to take care of everything I accidentally locked my keys in my room, yeah GAY! So at 3 in the morning when I can finally make it to bed, I realize I can't get into my room, so I tried to find someone to let me into my room but guess what just my luck I was the only RA in the building for the whole weekend, so I tried to sleep on my tiny little couch in my apartment, when I couldn't sleep I tried eating or reading random things, I had nothing to do. So finally around 8 in the morning I HAD to get into my room soon so that I could get ready for church and so I did the last resort, I knew my window was cracked so I went outside and looked to see if I could get my screen off with out breaking it, and I could so I gently took it out and climbed in my window just in time to get ready for church. So needless to say it's been a long night.
Having this RA position and having to deal with all these students all the time is really making me second guess if I really do want to be a teacher, but if not a teacher I have no idea what I would do.
"Would you please put some pants on? I feel weird having to ask you twice."
Sunday, September 19, 2010
The last week
Different note now... I have spent the past week or so working on and finishing my letter to Olivia, I actually wrote 2 different ones, one that's a little more serious and one that talks a little more (well completely) about me. I figured she not only needs to know that I really do love her and how happy I am for her to be in that family, but also a little bit about who I am and what I'm like cause I know she'll eventually have those questions.
The other day as I was heading home from work I realized I really enjoy my job and really enjoy living in this area. I want to come back to an area that I know more people (Utah county) and have family but a part of me wants to stay here and keep this job and maybe finish school through the USU extension down here. I don't know, because I've also had the thought to come back a little earlier than planned and maybe move back at the end of December. Oh well, we'll see when the time comes.
This past weekend, also, I went camping with Lyric. It was great we went up Six Mile Canyon over by Palisades and went into this cool little spot where I backed my truck in. We built a little campfire and had hot dogs and s'mores while we just sat around and talked. When it got late we built a bed (about 10 blankets, 1 huge sleeping bag, and 1 huge egg carton pad) in the back of my truck, closed the shell and went to sleep. I was a pretty fun little trip. When we came back we went to the first half of the Snow College football game till it got too hot, I was sure I was going to melt to the seat I was in, then we went back and relaxed at my apartment. Before she went home I cooked her dinner, Pork chops rice and corn. It was a great end to an overly stressful week.
P.S. oh and yes I did spend a few days a little obsessed with my xbox, but to my defense, Halo:Reach did just come out and it is AMAZING!!.....just saying.
"Could you feather it please? Like.... Mel Gibson, circa ... 1983."
Sunday, September 12, 2010
Baby stats!!!
So I just got back online to do some homework and I found that I had some emails from Vaughn and Amy!! I was so excited that I think now I won't be able to do homework at all.
Olivia Lea Barry
Born: 9-10-10
Weight: 7 lbs 12 oz.
Height: 21 in.
I'm so excited! She is a beautiful little girl! I'm scared to ask if she has the cursed Jorgensen finger toes. Maybe I'll ask later but anywho just a quick post about the new news!
Yesterday I was bored all day so I took the time to finish my board (well one of them), maybe its cause I was just having a lazy day but it took hours. But as of now it is done. So here is the picture of it.

"You're there,... congratulations I'm a hundred."
Saturday, September 11, 2010
"Abi something. ... Abi something? ... Yes, abi normal. ... Abi normal? You're telling me that I put an abnormal brain in a 7 foot tall, 60 centimeter wide gorilla!!!"
Tuesday, September 7, 2010
P.S. to the last
"This is the end of a really sad story."
For the benifit of Mr. Kite there will be a show tonight

Okay so I'm a wee bit pissed right now, I just spent the past 10 minutes writing an AWESOME post and I hit the wrong button and accidentally deleted it! I am way pissed at my self for doing that cause now I have to try and rewrite it....sorry if this one sucks!
Well now that I am for sure staying in Ephraim I have started working on my huge bulletin boards I have in my room (with the help from Lyric). I hope she doesn't get mad at me for the pictures, though I doubt she will :) She did make the picture thing in one of the pictures. (it makes me happy) Thanks Lyric!!!
My job is crazy, its a lot to learn, the computer
program and all, but it's good. It's tiring having a

full day again. Now I get up at 7:15, work by 8:00, class at 10:25, lunch/office hour 11:30, a short break from 12:30 to 1:00, back to work by 1:00, off work at 6:00, on-line class till 7:00, on duty (at least twice a week) at 7:00 (homework/my newest hobby fantasy football{thought I would give it a try}/dinner on all the other nights I am not on duty), bed at 11:30 or 1:30 depending on the night. I am so glad that I have EVERY Saturday and Sunday off. That makes it so nice that on those late nights I may have to be up I can sleep in the next day.
Yeah, I'll admit it, I joined an on line fantasy football league. One of the guys I work with was talking about it today and it made me want to try it. I have always wanted to but never really had the time to watch football every Sunday and track stats but since I'll be in the middle of no where for this football season why not try it. Especially for free!
Well the due date came and went and no news, I don't really expect to hear any from Berlin but I'm going to send her an e-mail, cause we know she won't answer a call or text, and ask her to PLEASE tell me when she's going into labor and when baby Olivia is born. I don't care if it's her Mom or Dad or even her sister that texts or calls me, I just want to know. I think that is a very reasonable request. I did even send a couple of e-mails to Vaughn and Amy just making sure everything with them is going okay and to see how excited they are. I am so grateful for them and how blessed I am that I know them. They really are the perfect and intended family for this amazing little baby.
Well seeing as how I am totally exhausted and have to be up earlier than I have been for a while tomorrow I will be heading to bed now. Keep tuning in for more "live" updates on the boring life and activities here in good ol' E-town.
Buona Notte!!
"Could you be loved and be loved?"
Saturday, September 4, 2010
So long story short I got a job and now I can stay in school this year.
Then when I got home there was some kids around 10 pm that wanted to start a Star Wars Marathon a.k.a. watch all of them in one night. I informed them that is quite impossible because it takes about 12 hours to watch all 6 but they didn't care. So we started watching them and before i knew it I had passed out and was gone all night long. So finally I stumble to my room and sleep till around 11:30. I had forgotten how much a full days work takes it out of you. But all in all I am glad to be working and getting the chance to stay in school this year.
"These aren't the droids you're looking for."
Wednesday, September 1, 2010
Okay enough of my ranting, sorry I'm just really stressed because I have bills coming up that I need to pay and I have 0 dollars oh and did I mention I still have no way to buy the one book I need for my class . . awesome.
All this stress has gotten to me and I woke up with a cold sore, yeah . . that's different story there. LAME.
So this Monday is the 6th and some of you may know what that means. I'm a bit anxious about that cause it could happen any day now and I am just ready to have this whole situation done and over with. Vaughn and Amy probably feel the same way, I can't imagine how excited they are and they just can't wait. I am so happy and grateful for them. Well I gotta run, love being an RA.
"You dumped a porn star?! . . Friendship OVER!"
Thursday, August 26, 2010
Good feeling, wont you stay with me just a little longer.
Well the second day of school has come and gone, and I have realized that I get to drop all my classes except for my Italian class and I'm pick up an on-line one so I stay above half time status for my financial aide. The reason for this is because I got a job interview with American Car Care here in Ephraim for a full time job. Tim, my RA boss, said that its okay if i drop some classes so that I can have a full time job and stay here as an RA but only as long as I am still in school some what, so I found a way and now I'm just really praying that I can get this job tonight then I won't have to move back home and I can finish school here.
It's been really nice living away from home again, I love my family and all that but really it is so nice being out and on my own . . some what, I'm not sure how much on your own you are when you live in on campus housing. But still all that aside, i love it.
"Don't say that!..What?...That, . the Zed word."
Monday, August 23, 2010
Sleepless Nights
I'm pretty sure I would hate to move back home. The building is almost full so it's been pretty fun to walk around and have people to talk to and hang out with. That and I don't know where I would work to make enough to move out once I did move back, if I have to.
So I spent my night reading, because if I didn't I would just sit and stress and freak out. I was reading World War Z, it is amazing. It is so well written, it is very believable. Other than the fact that it is about zombies, it is really creepy. I love it. I need to buy it so I can reread it later. I'm not sure where my fascination with zombies came from, but I find them very interesting and entertaining. So if you're looking for a creepy/good book, World War Z is a must.
"Well don't you want to open your present?...If it's a severed head I'm going to be very upset."
Friday, August 20, 2010
First day of move-ins
I am hoping to hear about that job tomorrow or Monday morning but we'll see. On the brighter side of things, I have finally had something to do other than decorating, which I was up till 1:30 doing last night. Now that there is actually residents living here there are people to talk to and things to help with. It has made the day go quickly but it was a quite exhausting day and I'm glad it's coming to an end.
"What are those for? It gives it a little more kick!"
Sunday, August 15, 2010
Stresses already

After days of working on this thing it is finally finished. That contract has taken more time than I ever thought possible. My head hurts from smelling the sharpies I used to write it and I'm dizzy from having to look back and forth between this bright yellow paper and the tiny white paper that I am copying. Though I did add my own parts to it to make it more interesting so it wasn't all bad. I'll be surprised if anyone tries to read all of it cause I don't even want to.
I'm still not sure if anyone is reading this blog but I'm going to still pretend that someone is and that you are interested in what goes on.
I can't believe how poor I really am now. I have paid all but one bill for the month and in all honesty I am completely broke. I am way glad that they are feeding us for the rest of this week cause I really don't want to be eating my own food just yet, it costs too much to replace. I am really hoping that someone will buy my truck soon. Tyler is supposed to be driving it everyday to work so that he can park it out on main street in Spanish Fork, but so far I have only gotten one call on it and they double checked the price and then seemed utterly uninterested. I keep reposting it on but again no one wants to buy it. I'm not really sure what I am going to do if I can't sell it. I have been looking to see if there is any place down here that will hire me but not one place I went is hiring, well Mcdonald's is but I don't have as much time as they would like me to have to work there.
Being an RA has made it almost impossible to find a job somewhere seeing as how I have to be in the building A LOT. So I am going to keep trying and hopefully it will all work out.
"I'm mostly looking for some mercy. Like, it would be freaking awesome if I didn't get hit."
Thursday, August 12, 2010
Busy, Busy, Busy
For when the residents move in each building has to have a theme and decorate the building to make them more inviting (seriously its a little depressing to move into a building with solid brick walls every where you look). So our building, Castilleja Hall, has chosen the theme of Willy Wonka and we are taking ideas from both movies but mostly from the first. So today during the outage we worked on our version of the lickable wall paper (which is NOT lickable by any means) and we are hoping that someone will try it any ways. While they did that I volunteered to make our own version of the giant contract that has the ridiculous fine print the lower it goes. So I spent my day starting to rewrite the actual student housing contract on a giant piece of paper. I am slightly regretting that choice, but it should be done by saturday and then I can keep it after next thursday.
Things have been going well down here, once the meetings and training started I have been so busy that I barely have time to look at my phone. So sorry to those that have tried to call or text and never got a response, I promise I am way busy and will get to you as soon as I can . . . . remember. All the other Community Leaders or RA's are pretty cool and we all get along really well. The other ones in my building are the married couple Magnum and Andrea with their son Magnum (or Mags), and the two girl RA's Ali, and Megan. It's been boring and fun sitting in the classes doing the trainings, the reading of hand books and contracts sucked to no end but the other parts where we do scenarios and watch movies and stuff like that isn't too bad.
Today was the actual first day that I didn't see Lyric after I moved. It was very, stressful. I had grown accustomed to having her around to relax and enjoy my nights with but I guess I have to get used to this. I just wish I was able to be more attentive to my phone all day for when she calls or texts, so, sorry Lyric. I really am trying to answer as much as I can :).
I have started to get a little more stressed about paying my bills this year, I have yet to sell my truck and I have no idea how to pay for that and insurance and the phone and my school loan, and my credit card, and finish off the ring, and cover food costs, and pay for all the other little things like prescriptions and little things like that. I am trying really hard to figure it all out but no luck yet, if I could just sell that truck my life would be alot easier.... oh well.
I know this was kind of a rambling post and I'll try not to do that as much in the future but that is just how my life as been the past couple of days, just crazy randomness.
"Do you know what they call them in Mexico, Submarineos!"
Monday, August 9, 2010
Here I go again on my own . .
It was hard leaving, especially if there are those of you who know the big reason . . ;) but also because I do love my family and doing things with my friends, but this is a smart choice for my future and in the past year smart choices have been few and far between for me. I am excited to start a new school year and have Tyler here to mess around with, maybe we'll be able to get some pictures up and going here in a month or so.
I know my posts are usually short and this one is no exception, but hopefully once school starts I'll have more to talk about. Yet as for now, I don't.
"There's a mouse in my bubbles!"
Monday, July 26, 2010

As I stated before I am back a second night to refresh and re-inform.
Well the past year has been an interesting one, I "graduated" from Snow College but still have no diploma, worked for Pepsi which allowed me to buy a motorcycle and a truck, (two things I have always wanted), met a girl named Berlin in July and was engaged 4 months later only to call off the wedding two months after that four days before the actual wedding, finding out Berlin is pregnant and then finding an adoptive family, losing my job at Pepsi, selling my motorcycle, going back to work at The Oil Change, getting an Resident Assistant position at Snow College, and now waiting to move back to Snow.
Yes this past year was crazy busy and full of ups and a lot of downs, BUT things are most definitely getting better every day and now I am looking forward to what comes next; which I'm still not quite sure what it is.
I know that sometimes I don't explain too much on things and this is one of those times, I just wanted to give a run down of the past year to tell where I am at so that I don't have to explain too much later and can just focus on what is happening now. (though I will probably post about past things and explain more later)
So as for tonight I am calling that good and moving on with my life.
"Any regrets?" . . "No, well.. maybe Garfield."
Sunday, July 25, 2010
Lets start again
This first post will be short and doubtfully sweet seeing as how it is 11:1o as I write this and I am falling asleep; so tomorrow I will get back on and do another post to catch people up. I am not the most savvy user of things like this so please be patient with me as I learn how to use this new fangled contraption on the interweb.
Till tomorrow. . .