Saturday, January 1, 2011

New year, a new life...

Every year every one makes "New Years Resolutions", but instead of doing that I'm going to go ahead and call them goals this year. That, to me, makes them a bit more realistic and easier to keep up on. Now I know everyone does the same thing, follows through really well for the first couple of days or even weeks but I have made mine fairly simple so that I have no excuse not to follow through. Now if you don't mind here is the list...
- Pay off small simple debts (Credit Card, Overdraft, etc...) and don't reuse them.
- Get back into shape.
- Scriptures and Prayer EVERY night, not just the occasional.
- Be a full tithe payer.
- Read 5 new books.
- Go on at least 1 vacation.
- Attend the temple at least once a month.
- Move into, we'll call it a more "adult" housing situation. (no more college apartments)
- Either find a better more permanent job or earn more at the one I'm at.

Now all of those are very simple and easy to do. The last two may be a bit hard for the next couple of months but, if I can pay off debts and save more I will have no problem I believe.
And so begins a new year hopefully better in some ways than the last. Thank you to everyone that has been reading and following on this blog for the past couple of months, I will try harder this year to be a bit more active in posting and having more entertaining stories or posts.
Happy New Year and I hope you are able to keep with all resolutions or goals you have set for the year.

"Yeah, I think garlic bread would have to be my favourite all-time food. I could eat it for every meal. Or just constantly, without stopping."

1 comment:

  1. I can think of one more goal for you but you'll have to call me to find out what it is. I'm pretty sure you can guess what I want that goal to be. Hey, take a look at my new blog. It might brighten your day once in a while.
