First of all I have to apologize to anyone that reads this blog cause it's not as fancy or look as good as some others ones. Seriously though I was looking at some people's and dang they are crazy cool. Cool headlines and pictures and backgrounds they're pretty intense. But mine works for me and apparently you too. Any who....
So this past year has bee crazy, it has had some great ups and extremely depressing lows. I know that a lot of you either saw these things or were part of them or just heard about them but still I think it's time to take a look at the big things that happened this year. (or somethings I think are big and important)
I started the year engaged and very stressed about it, if you are someone close to me that I talked to during the last 2 weeks of last year and the first week of this year you will know what I am talking about. I was working for Pepsi and hating it and also as usual, living at home. Then on January 4th (I think) everything changed for the whole year. Berlin and I found out that she was pregnant so we had a rough couple of days but decided to get married on a moved up day as to get both her and the new baby on my health insurance, January 29th. Well as is clear, a few days before on January 25th I called off the wedding. I still was not happy and could not handle it anymore. I didn't want to get married only to be miserable and have my marriage end less than a year later especially when there is a baby involved. So after all the invites were sent out, tuxes rented and fitted, dresses bought, catering ordered . . I ended it. It was hard and the worst day of my life but I still feel to this day it was the right decision.
Then nothing happened for a long time all I did was work and work a lot. I tried out for a local semi-pro football team and made it but had to quit because of work but until March I did nothing. In March I lost my job with Pepsi and had to sell my motorcycle to meet all my other bills. That was a very sad day for me. In April I got a new job at Oh My Crafts! packaging craft supplies for an online craft store . . . work is work don't make fun. Then in May I was able to get on back at the Oil Change, but by this time I had decided to go back to school but found out that I had to go back to Snow to raise my GPA, so I started to get ready. And also I got my concealed weapons permit! Then June started.
June through the first part of August was AMAZING and can be summed up in one word, one name, Lyric. For two months we had the best summer ever, a soccer game, a baseball game, a rain and lightning storm, 4-wheeling, motorcycle rides, game nights with family, cooked dinners, late night talks, . . . just everything good. It was so much fun, what dating should be. It was a summer we both needed. I loved it so much because from day 1 she knew of my situation and was very understanding and amazing about it. The only downside, I was leaving. On August 9th I left for school to start the RA training. I was asked to be an RA in student housing. How do you say no to free housing for the year?
By the end of August the only things I had going for me is that I was living and going to school for free and I had Lyric. I had no job and no way to pay for my food or truck or phone or any other bills. I was hitting the bottom I had no where to go no where to turn, then out of no where I was told of a job my last option, American Car Care. One of the other RA's, Magnum, had just quit and told me to take the job, I applied and well . . obviously I got it. With that we start September.
The only and greatest big thing of September is Olivia. She was born in September and that trumps anything else that may have happened that month. October . . . well how about taking Lyric to Homecoming on my 25th birthday. That was pretty cool, it was a great birthday. And at the very end of the month I finally after years and years, I got my temple recommend back. that was a very good day! We can just skip November that month was a waste. December...actually that one has been too. The only thing that has really happened in December is I got screwed and moved into another building. So there you are, my year in a long post that I'm thinking not a lot of people will read all the way through. If you did congrats.
"Ray if some one asks you if you're a god you say YES!"
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