So I know it has been a while since I posted but really nothing has been happening. The only real things going on is that I have decided to stay here in Ephraim for the next couple years to stay with my job and continue school through the USU extension here. I think it's a really good idea so I'm doing it.
The other big news. . . I got new tires hahahaha YES! Not only Are they new they are a little more aggressive than my last ones so I had to go test them out... by the looks of my truck I most definitely belong here in Ephraim. That's okay it was fun. Now I have to spend hours cleaning it. I went back to work Saturday to check on a couple things and who was there to greet me but the funnest dog ever... Tango! If anyone has heard my stories from work this is the Tango that I play with almost everyday at work. He's the best dog, I want my dog (when I get one) to be just like him.
It's been a very quiet few weeks, nothing to write about...wait that's a lie, last week I was planning on having a very nice relaxing week end and was going to sleep in really late on Saturday but much to my demise the fire alarm went off at 5:50 in the morning. Now those of you familiar with the housing here this is not the small alarm in each apartment. This was the huge one around the whole building, the one that screams that the building is on fire and everyone is about to die. The one that you couldn't ignore to save your life. So I had to get up and evacuate the building and wait for the fire department to come and search the building. So as 15 students and I stood out side the building I got a little pissed that I had to be up and there was obviously nothing wrong. And of course there were about 6 kids that didn't think, "oh hey its 6 in the morning in the middle of February... I should grab a jacket... or shoes." Some times they are just dumb and I have to wonder how they are really in college. Wouldn't that be on the top of the list of things to grab?! Oh hey I going out side should I put on shoes?....NAH! That would just be ridiculous.
Any who there is my weekly story of the idiocy of some of the residents in student housing.