Wednesday, November 10, 2010


So I have been having a really rough past few days, almost week. So to try to make my self feel a little better I thought I'd do a little service for a few people in my building, it's true, you always feel better about doing something for someone else even if they don't ask for it. So I made a few kids dinner. I figure that I could do that for all the residents in my building cause I figure none of them really very well at all, at least a good home cooked meal. So I made this really good chicken and rice dish that's way easy and had 3 people from the building come over to eat and to talk. I also decided it's an actual good way to get to know the residents a bit better. So we were talking and things were going really well as we ate, but the instant everyone was done I could tell they were very uncomfortable and wanted to leave so I told them that they didn't HAVE to stay just to humor, only if they really wanted to. BAM!! Right there they got up, one girl put everyone's plates in the sink then they were gone. Am I really that awkward to be around, or do they really not want to talk to me at all? I mean honestly, if they didn't then please don't come and eat. I want to actually know some of these kids not just get mad at them at random times and that's all they know of me. Seriously, it was a little frustrating/depressing.
I thought that at least doing something nice would make me feel better after this past week, but it really didn't. In all reality I actually feel worse than I did before. I think it's now more a realization that I may have messed more things up in my life that I didn't mean to. Somethings I wish I could redo, I'm sorry.
I know almost everyone who reads that will be a little lost but so ........ sorry about that.
On the slightly up side, it snowed today, all day here; and it still is snowing and supposed to all day tomorrow too. It's really been great. I love the snow and am excited for it to be here again, I don't really care if it lasts till May, gotta love Utah for that.

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