After this past weekend which was great minus 2 things; A) I didn't watch any football .. .. I know my life is so hard and sad B) I couldn't get on the internet to do homework. I have decided I'm not sure what I want to be doing and/or where I would like to be doing it. Part of me wants to stay here and keep working and see where this job can take me (which is probably no where further than living permanently in Ephraim). Yet after some thought this weekend and a few really good conversations with different people, that's probably not the smartest thing at all. Lyric had a great point, this is a good job but not a career for me. Though it is nice that they want to give me all the extra training and pay raises, cause I'll never complain about that. And I really do/don't like it here. I mean it is a great town, it's nice, and quiet, very friendly...just a good place but I'm an hour or more from anyone or anything. Which I would be fine with if I was married and raising a family but well..surprise I'm not right now. Sorry I had to spring that surprise on you. And because I'm not I would actually like to be closer to everyone else for now.
And now I have started to think twice about what I really want to do for school. I don't know if teaching history really is the route I want to be taking. I got talking with a really nice older lady at work the other day and she was asking me what I was going to school for and I told her the past 2 1/2 years I was working on being a history/social sciences teacher but then I remembered the night before I was going over some old physics homework and I remembered how much I liked that class, so I also told her I was thinking of going into physics also (though I'm not sure why I said that cause I haven't really thought that until recently). She then made a comment that is very true, history teachers are great and it's a good subject but they are a dime a dozen. Every football player forced to choose a major chooses history. It's easy, everyone knows it. I realized she was and still is right, more than any other subject (except for maybe dance) I have met TONS of history majors. Though I love history maybe it would be smarter for me to look into something else. She also made a point that I remember reading about, that there aren't enough people going into the sciences and it's a very open field of work and in need of a lot of college graduates. That's always nice, to be able to have a better chance of getting a career out of college in the subject I just graduated is the reason I am going to school.
So I have been thinking of going into physics now. What I would do...I'm not sure. Maybe I'll become Sheldon or Leonard from The Big Bang Theory.

Sorry this post has been a little boring and a little more serious than most others, so now it's time for some very interesting good stuff!! Big announcement..... we got a new rim poster in the bathroom at work! Yeah we did! Now I'm not so bored if I ever go in there hahahaha
"You can call it a ninja star danger jock if you want. Doesn't make you any less of a cross-dresser."
come visit me in Cedar...
ReplyDeletethat is all... ;D
LIZ! Come here to snow... i know you want to