Thursday, August 12, 2010

Busy, Busy, Busy

The power is back on in Ephraim, if any of you have lived here you will know what I mean when I say the power here is retarded. It gets shut off at random times for no reason. But I guess today they were doing work on the power grid and shut down the whole town for 3 hours. It kinda sucked, but we did get time to work on some projects in our building.
For when the residents move in each building has to have a theme and decorate the building to make them more inviting (seriously its a little depressing to move into a building with solid brick walls every where you look). So our building, Castilleja Hall, has chosen the theme of Willy Wonka and we are taking ideas from both movies but mostly from the first. So today during the outage we worked on our version of the lickable wall paper (which is NOT lickable by any means) and we are hoping that someone will try it any ways. While they did that I volunteered to make our own version of the giant contract that has the ridiculous fine print the lower it goes. So I spent my day starting to rewrite the actual student housing contract on a giant piece of paper. I am slightly regretting that choice, but it should be done by saturday and then I can keep it after next thursday.
Things have been going well down here, once the meetings and training started I have been so busy that I barely have time to look at my phone. So sorry to those that have tried to call or text and never got a response, I promise I am way busy and will get to you as soon as I can . . . . remember. All the other Community Leaders or RA's are pretty cool and we all get along really well. The other ones in my building are the married couple Magnum and Andrea with their son Magnum (or Mags), and the two girl RA's Ali, and Megan. It's been boring and fun sitting in the classes doing the trainings, the reading of hand books and contracts sucked to no end but the other parts where we do scenarios and watch movies and stuff like that isn't too bad.
Today was the actual first day that I didn't see Lyric after I moved. It was very, stressful. I had grown accustomed to having her around to relax and enjoy my nights with but I guess I have to get used to this. I just wish I was able to be more attentive to my phone all day for when she calls or texts, so, sorry Lyric. I really am trying to answer as much as I can :).
I have started to get a little more stressed about paying my bills this year, I have yet to sell my truck and I have no idea how to pay for that and insurance and the phone and my school loan, and my credit card, and finish off the ring, and cover food costs, and pay for all the other little things like prescriptions and little things like that. I am trying really hard to figure it all out but no luck yet, if I could just sell that truck my life would be alot easier.... oh well.
I know this was kind of a rambling post and I'll try not to do that as much in the future but that is just how my life as been the past couple of days, just crazy randomness.

"Do you know what they call them in Mexico, Submarineos!"

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